Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fiddle dee dee

May 26, 2013

Unforunately, I'm afraid he still loves her.

Lucky me, fiddle-dee-dee.

"And I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
~ Daisy Buchanon (The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

I will admit that I am awfully bad at explaining myself, especially since I hardly know what's going on with myself most of the time but I will attempt to explain this whole situation a tad more.  I went on a date tonight. It was actually really good, dinner, The Great Gatsby movie ( which I've been looking forward to for so long! Remember my book review? haha) and even some ridiculous 'gaming' attempts at COD and Assasin's Creed by me.  It was fun.  Yet a few times, still this other girl was brought up, the one I know he was in love with for so long.  This girl that he still talks to each week in attempt to keep up that relationship that they had. I know they never dated, but man that boy knows how to make me jealous.  I didn't even think I cared that much! Well, it just made me think of the 'beautiful fool' reference.  I wish sometimes that I was just a beautiful fool.  But nope, have to be the average joe, yet I am thrilled about not being a fool! ;) haha. Well it's not the end of the world though, because I am definitely looking for someone that I will fall in love with.  I miss that feeling. I'm picky but sometimes its hard when it takes you years to get over some people! Like fiddle dee dee! - Ever since I noticed Scarlett O'Hara saying that, I feel like its going to become a popular expression!
Anyways. That's my attempt.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Perfect in this moment.
Strawberry Cream Frappuccino
Santa Fe Panini from Starbucks.
Pouring Rain
Wake me Up by Ed Sheeran.

I should ink my skin with your name
And take my passport out again
And just replace it
See I could do without a tan
On my left hand,
Where my fourth finger meets my knuckle
And I should run you a hot bath
And fill it up with bubbles

'Cause maybe you're loveable
And maybe you're my snowflake
And your eyes turn from green to gray
In the winter I'll hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair
'Cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up

And would you ever feel guilty if you did the same to me?
Could you make me a cup of tea to open my eyes in the right way?
And I know you love Shrek
‘Cause we've watched it 12 times
But maybe you're hoping for a fairy tale too
And if your DVD breaks today
You should've got a VCR
Because I've never owned a Blue ray, true say

And now I always been shit at computer games
And your brother always beats me
And if I lost, I’d go across and chuck all the controllers at the TV
And then you’d laugh at me
And be asking me
If I'm gonna be home next week
And then you'd lie with me 'til I fall asleep
And flutter eye lash on my cheek between the sheets

And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up

And I think you hate the smell of smoke
You always try to get me to stop
But you drink as much as me
And I get drunk a lot
So I'll take you to the beach
And walk along the sand
And I'll make you a heart pendant
With a pebble held in my hand
And I'll carve it like a necklace
So the heart falls where your chest is
And now a piece of me is a piece of the beach
And it falls just where it needs to be
And rests peacefully
So you just need to breathe
To feel my heart against yours now, against yours now

‘Cause maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Or maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up
Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up

Photo credits to those at

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Track and Field

So the best news is that on May 14th was my divisional Track and Field meet. Even though I didn't make it to zones and only got fouth, I beat my personal best. I ran the 1500 m and finished with a time of 6:42.  The day before I ran the 1500 m twice and timed it to be 8:17. I knew I was 3 minutes slow of being any kind of competition.  My amazing success coach from our school who was on the track and field team told me that I needed to make a goal time and put that time in my head and I would get it.  I decided that although it was crazy I would increase my time by almost 2 minutes.  I decided that I would take only 2 minutes per lap with 30 seconds on my last 3/4 lap taking a total time of 6:30.  So I only was off my target by 12 seconds and I increased my time by almost 2 minutes in one day. That's pretty great if you ask me. woot woot! I love exercise. I just wish I had more time to do it! Also, I'm still working towards the 5 km Colour Me Rad run in Calgary in June.  I have a long way to go!

My new favorite Missionary!

This guy right here.

He has been a really good friend for a long time and I've known him since I was 7 and now he's going on a mission.  I'm so proud of him for just being a good kid, and also choosing to leave everything and everyone behind while he serves the Lord for two years in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. So cool.

So yeah. I'm really proud of this guy. And I'm going to miss his jokes and ability to crack me up so often.

Little House by Amanda Seyfried

Have you ever had a song addiction? This has been mine lately.

I love this place
But it's haunted without you
My tired heart
Is beating so slow

Our hearts sing less than
We wanted, we wanted
Our hearts sing 'cause
We do not know, we do not know

To light the night, to help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said, I always know

You can catch me
Don't you run, don't you run
If you live another day
In this happy little house
The fire's here to stay

To light the night, to help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said, I always know

Please don't make a fuss, it won't go away
The wonder of it all
The wonder that I made
I am here to stay

I am here to stay

Oh those little things. May 17, 2013

Darling, you make me love country music more than i already do.

It is the days like today, the blue sky, sun shining, country perfect days that make me love summer.  

Oh and I found this tumblr blog which is just fantastic. I suggest y'all check it out.

All of the photos are from this blog, and my thoughts accompany some of them too!
Love the Peter Pan Collar, Hair Colour, and hat!

Paris & Ryan Gosling? <33
I love old movies so much. Movies to me, just don't have an expiry date. They are treasured classics with many lessons to learn, and laughs and smiles to bring. Casablanca ^^

Only if he'll let me ;)

This is actually a pet peeve of mine. I don't think I really even have any other pet peeves but when people pretend to be dumb for attention, that's when I honestly get so frustrated.  That is not a way to get respect from me, when I know you're not dumb, yet there you are making a fool of yourself, I honestly don't even understand.  I've seen boys and girls do it. Just why.

Okay So that's it. Because there is too much goodness on this tumblr blog. So really I might just end up making this post wayyy too long if I posted everything I really like!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Date Night May 9, 2013

So today, I went out on a date to Iron Man III. With the guy I'm going to grad with.  And honestly I was really surprised.  I was surprised in a good way though, like they hey I just found 20$ in my pocket way not the, oh no that man I talked to turned out to be a serial killer kind of way.

He was actually such a gentleman.  It was wonderful, and I actually had a really nice time. I was so worried it would be awkward, and he would just want to make out like somewhere or something awkward first date material like that.  I feel so conflicted about this whole situation though.  Conflicted and turbulent over this matter.  Its troubling and frustrating, because it prevents me from deciphering my own feelings. 

I'm just so tired of being the person who meets an awesome guy, and then takes so long to realize that she doesn't like him the way he likes her, and then end up breaking a heart that should've never been broken.

I'm worried he's going to really like me.  Ohmylanta I realize that sounds so cocky, and trust me its not like I think I'm hot stuff, but the way he is, just makes me worried, that he'll like me before I know how I feel about him. I don't even know if this makes any sense.  But that's why I'm just typing this out.  So that maybe I can put some order and understanding to this situation. 

Who knows.  But the point of this story was, good date.  Not too bad at all ;)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 7...Mondays...

So I chose not to do my homework on the Sunday, and I wanted to go to bed early, but I ended up making cookies begrudgingly for my mom's work potluck today as I told her earlier I would do before I realized the time.

So today, was extra rough.  I set my alarm for 5 so I could work on the project in the morning, but I didn't get up till 5:30 and then by that time I'm still not even awake so my work is barely existent.

Seminary was interesting, it wasn't bad, and it wasn't anything like I expected.  It was a substitute who used to be in yw with me, but now she's married.  Anyways, I haven't always gotten along with this person, so I didn't know what to expect.  But I think it was easily better than somedays and better than I thought it was going to be.

But alas, I had tim hortons for breakfast and went with my good friend.  The day was hot, so out came the shorts, and the weather was honestly just so beautiful. 27 degrees celcius in the beginning of May.

Unfortunately I didn't wear sunblock today, and so during my spare outside I got burnt on my arms, and then after school at track and field practice I got even more burnt on my arms, and burnt on my face too!

I did get to babysit some of the cutest kids ever today though, and that was lots of fun.  So adorable. Like really.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sweater Weather

1. Song Obsessions.

               Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
              Sane Beats- Evenesce
              Red Hands- Walk off the Earth

2. So I've decided that I'm going to blog more. Hopefully like a lot more. Because I actually love blogging, and I hate backtracking events.

So first of all. I got a grad date!! yay! Actually I'm really stoked. This guy that I like barely knew/know asked me and I was like yeah! And so I have a date for my school's grad. And I think he's a pretty cool guy. But unfortunately, his lung actually collapsed a couple weeks ago, so although he's okay now, it was just kinda really unfortunate. Like that's kinda really awful.  But thank goodness he's going to be fine.

And also, a friend of mine, asked me to his grad too! So now I'm going to two grads! Ain't that just super exciting.

So yeah, now that that's cleared, I'm sure many more blog posts will make a whole lot more sense.


Also,  my brother and sister in law are living at my house now, and its really weird. Last weekend my family had a wedding open house for them, although there wedding was 4 months ago, but because it wasn't in Canada a lot of friends and family weren't able to make it so alas we had an open house. There were so many people. And then, all those people left, and it still felt like there were so many people at my house. It was only my immediate family. Oh my lanta. I must be crazy. But it is actually fantastic to have family around, so its exciting, but definitely different.  I do like my sister in law though so its cool.

Oh and I'm running again! yay! And I'm in track and field! And I'm probably going to do awful at the meet that's like in one week....yeahh......its going to be bad. But that's okay. I'll live. And maybe even become a better person from it.

3.  All my friends are going on missions right now it seems. I'm so jealous of them! And so excited and happy for them! It's so cool! And they are all awesome people who are going to be awesome missionaries.

4. Today I think I had one of the best days ever.  Although I worked all day, it was so warm outside, and at work, I even got to go out on the patio for like half an hour with a group of old folks and co workers and eat freezies, soak up the sun, and just sing together. Yeah. I know right, that hardly sounds like working hard, but really, I just have the best job.

 I then spent a couple hours outside at a park later today, which just continued the enjoyable activity of soaking up the sun's warmth.  Oh Summer might finally be coming. :)