Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?

So far one of my favorite talks.  It's short, but powerful and it hits me.
I want to be like King Lamoni, I want to be so easily willing to give away all my sins to know God.  That attitude, that man really has his priorities straight.

Anyways, here's the talk.

What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?

By Elder Robert C. Gay
Of the Seventy

Robert C. Gay
We are to give up all our sins, big or small, for the Father’s reward of eternal life.

The Savior once asked His disciples the following question: “What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”1
This is a question that my father taught me to carefully consider years ago. As I was growing up, my parents assigned me chores around the house and paid me an allowance for that work. I often used that money, a little over 50 cents a week, to go to the movies. Back then a movie ticket cost 25 cents for an 11-year-old. This left me with 25 cents to spend on candy bars, which cost 5 cents apiece. A movie with five candy bars! It couldn’t get much better than that.
All was well until I turned 12. Standing in line one afternoon, I realized that the ticket price for a 12-year-old was 35 cents, and that meant two less candy bars. Not quite prepared to make that sacrifice, I reasoned to myself, “You look the same as you did a week ago.” I then stepped up and asked for the 25-cent ticket. The cashier did not blink, and I bought my regular five candy bars instead of three.
Elated by my accomplishment, I later rushed home to tell my dad about my big coup. As I poured out the details, he said nothing. When I finished, he simply looked at me and said, “Son, would you sell your soul for a nickel?” His words pierced my 12-year-old heart. It is a lesson I have never forgotten.
Years later I found myself asking this same question to a less-active Melchizedek Priesthood holder. He was a wonderful man who loved his family. He, however, had not been to church for many years. He had a talented son who played on an elite travel sports team that practiced and played games on Sunday. That team had won multiple major championships. As we met, I reminded him that, as a priesthood holder, he was promised that if he magnified his oath and covenant, he would receive “all that [our] Father hath.”2 I then asked him, “Is a national championship worth more than all the Father has?” He gently said, “I see your point” and made an appointment to visit with his bishop.

Today it is so easy to get caught up in the noise of the world—despite our good intentions. The world presses us to “[look] beyond the mark.”3 Someone recently asked me, “Does one drink really matter?” Can you see that is the adversary’s question? Cain asked, “Who is the Lord that I should know him?”4 and then lost his soul. With self-justification of petty sins, Satan triumphs. For a bottle of milk,5 a misspelled name,6 a mess of pottage,7 birthrights and inheritances have been traded.
As we consider the nickel or national-championship exchanges in our lives, we can either self-justify our actions, like Cain, or look to submit to the will of God. The question before us is not whether we are doing things which need correcting, because we always are. Rather, the question is, will we “shrink” or “finish” the call upon our soul to do the will of the Father?8
The Lord loves our righteousness but asks of us continued repentance and submission. In the Bible we read that it was a commandment-keeping, wealthy young man who knelt before the Savior and asked what he needed to do to have eternal life. He turned away grieved when the Savior said, “One thing thou lackest: … sell whatsoever thou hast.”9
Yet, it was another wealthy but worldly man, the chief Lamanite king, the father of Lamoni, who also asked the same question about eternal life, saying: “What shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit[?] … I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy.”10
Do you remember the response the Lord gave the king through His servant Aaron? “If thou wilt repent of all thy sins, and will bow down before God, and call on his name in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then shalt thou receive the hope which thou desirest.”11
When the king understood the sacrifice required, he humbled and prostrated himself and then prayed, “O God, … I will give away all my sins to know thee.”12
This is the exchange the Savior is asking of us: we are to give up all our sins, big or small, for the Father’s reward of eternal life. We are to forget self-justifying stories, excuses, rationalizations, defense mechanisms, procrastinations, appearances, personal pride, judgmental thoughts, and doing things our way. We are to separate ourselves from all worldliness and take upon us the image of God in our countenances.13
Brothers and sisters, remember that this charge is more than just not doing bad things. With an engaged enemy we must also act and not sit in “thoughtless stupor.”14 Taking upon the countenance of God means serving each other. There are sins of commission and sins of omission, and we are to rise above both.

While serving as a mission president in Africa, I was forever taught this great truth. I was on my way to a meeting when I saw a young boy alone, crying hysterically on the side of the road. A voice within me said, “Stop and help that boy.” As quick as I heard this voice, in a split second, I rationalized: “You can’t stop. You will be late. You’re the presiding officer and can’t walk in late.”
When I arrived at the meetinghouse, I heard the same voice say again: “Go help that boy.” I then gave my car keys to a Church member named Afasi and asked him to bring the boy to me. About 20 minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The young boy was outside.
He was about 10 years of age. We found out his father was dead and his mother was in jail. He lived in the slums of Accra with a caretaker, who gave him food and a place to sleep. To earn his board, he sold dried fish on the streets. But after this day of hawking, when he reached in his pocket, he found a hole in it. He had lost all his earnings. Afasi and I knew immediately that if he returned without the money, he would be called a liar, most likely beaten, and then cast out onto the street. It was in that moment of alarm when I first saw him. We calmed his fears, replaced his loss, and took him back home to his caretaker.
As I went home that evening, I realized two great truths. First, I knew as never before that God is mindful of each of us and will never forsake us; and second, I knew that we must always hearken to the voice of the Spirit within us and go “straightway”15 wherever it takes us, regardless of our fears or any inconvenience.

One day the disciples asked the Savior who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He told them to be converted, humble, and submissive as little children. He then said, “The Son of man is come to save that which [is] lost.”16 With that one sentence, He defined our mission. We are to go to the rescue—to the lost, the last, and the least. It is not enough to avoid evil; we must “suffer his cross”17 and “be anxiously engaged,”18 helping others to conversion. With compassion and love we embrace the prodigal,19 answer the cries of orphans in hysteria, the pleas of those in darkness and despair,20 and the distress calls of family in need. “Satan need not get everyone to be like Cain or Judas … ,” said Elder Neal A. Maxwell. “He needs only to get able men … to see themselves as sophisticated neutrals.”21
After a recent stake conference, a teenage boy approached me and asked, “Does God love me?” May our lives of service always affirm that God forsakes no one.
To the question, “What will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Satan would have us sell our lives for the candy bars and championships of this world. The Savior, however, calls us, without price, to exchange our sins, to take upon us His countenance, and to take that into the hearts of those within our reach. For this we may receive all that God has, which we are told is greater than all the combined treasures of this earth.22 Can you even imagine?
On a recent trip to Nicaragua, I noticed a plaque in the modest home of a family we visited. It read, “My testimony is my most precious possession.” So it is with me. My testimony is my soul’s treasure, and in the integrity of my heart, I leave you my witness that this church is God’s true Church, that our Savior stands at its head and directs it through His chosen prophet. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


  1.  1.  Matthew 16:26.
  2.  2.  Doctrine and Covenants 84:38.
  3.  3.  Jacob 4:14.
  4.  4.  Moses 5:16.
  5.  5. A bottle of milk and its strippings (rich in cream) was at the center of a dispute between Thomas B. Marsh’s wife and Mrs. Harris, who had agreed to combine resources and make cheese. When Mrs. Harris found that Mrs. Marsh didn’t include the strippings with the milk but kept them for herself, Mrs. Harris complained, and the women quarreled. Thomas Marsh took the matter to the bishop, who sided with Mrs. Harris. It went from the bishop to the high council to the First Presidency, all of whom agreed that Mrs. Marsh was in the wrong. This drove a wedge between Thomas Marsh and the Brethren. Soon after that, Thomas Marsh testified before a Missourian magistrate that the Mormons were hostile toward the state of Missouri. (See George A. Smith, “Discourse,” Deseret News, Apr. 16, 1856, 44.)
  6.  6. When the Prophet Joseph Smith issued a call to Simonds Ryder to serve as a missionary, Ryder discovered that his name was spelled “Rider” in the printed revelation. He became offended, and this led to his apostasy and eventual participation in tarring and feathering the Prophet. Ryder didn’t know that Joseph Smith usually dictated revelations to his scribes and had no part in the spelling. (See Milton V. Backman Jr., The Heavens Resound: A History of the Latter-day Saints in Ohio, 1830–1838 [1983], 93–94; Donald Q. Cannon and Lyndon W. Cook, eds., Far West Record: Minutes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830–1844 [1983], 286.)
  7.  7. In Genesis 25 we learn that Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for “bread and pottage of lentiles” (verse 34).
  8.   See Doctrine and Covenants 19:18–19
  9. See Mark 10:21–22.
  10.  10.  Alma 22:15.
  11.  11.  Alma 22:16.
  12.  12.  Alma 22:18.
  13.  13. See Alma 5:14–19.
  14.  14.  Alma 60:7.
  15.  15.  Mark 1:18.
  16.  16.  Matthew 18:11.
  17.  17.  Jacob 1:8.
  18.  18.  Doctrine and Covenants 58:27.
  19.  19. See Luke 15:11–32.
  20.  20. See Joseph Smith—History 1:15–16.
  21.  21. Neal A. Maxwell, Deposition of a Disciple (1976), 88.
  22.  22. See Doctrine and Covenants 19:38.

2012 Year in Review

 So at first I was going to do a top 10 of 2012, but then I realized there was too many great things!
Anyways so here is my year in Review with all the top highlights!

Now first of all, this is not numbered in order of importance, its numbered in chronological order. Just saying. :)

1. Trip to Fort St. John

I love this place. I love my grandma who we surprised, and even made her cry with joy.  I love that its this home small town place where we have all these family friends that we never see, and its always ridiculous and fun. And I do love road trips I must say.

2. Amy's Wedding.

So my dear friend Amy Love came to visit for a couple weeks prior to getting her visa and leaving on her mission. While she was staying with us, we had the time of our life. Giggles, chatting all the time, hot tubbing, shopping together. It was so fun. And then after a few days she ended up going back North to Grand Prairie for a boy. oOOoooOoh. Anyways she ended up getting married in the temple, and it was just amazing to be there for her during that exciting part of her life, and being there with her and her family on that extremely exciting and important day of her life.

My family, with Amy's family, with her new husband!

Amy & Darrian Love
3. We Found Love

My last year of dance, was so fun with my girlies. Our tap group danced to We Found love and we did 3 competitions. Unfortunately I can't remember the awards we got, but anyhow, it was so fun and I loved the opportunity I've had to dance with those awesome dancers for years now.

And you can't see, but we duct taped our tap shoes gold. :O

4. Donating Blood

My new years resolution was to donate blood. And you can't until you are 17. Anyways May 7th I got to fulfill that dream! A good friend of my family went with me too.  It was a great experience I was so thrilled to be a part of. My best friend Amanda even came and tagged along for support, what a kid. haha <3

Photo Credits to Amanda!

5. New Job

Okay so you're probably thinking that this is a crazy highlight of someone's year, but it has actually been wonderful.  First of all the job is a recreational therapist assistant.   I work at a seniors home with some of the most remarkable women I have ever met and I get to work with great seniors all the time, AND they are hilarious.  Anyways this job has given me a taste of what I want to do in my future and now I know that this is something that I would be willing to do for the rest of my working career.  It has been a wonderful experience and it has made "work" not seem so bad at all.

Picture from around the time I got the job...
 6.Mormon After Grad

I went to TWO Mormon After-Grad parties, and both were crazy but fun. The first one I went to was with the people from my ward and school and it was so funny! We went on this crazy scavenger hunt where you had to use the clue to figure out which BUILDING to go to in town, and then search like crazy for the actual clue. I only stayed for half because it was a 4 hour hunt. I would've stayed up all night with everyone, but unfortunately I was sick which was really lame. Anywho there were a lot of crazy memories, especially the cemetery we went through at 2 AM! It was so sketch, and when we actually found people there......yeah....

The second one was with a whole bunch of people from the south of Calgary and I was invited by my friend Paige and then I invited Amanda. I met so many awesome people and it was lots of fun just hanging out, walking around, and playing that dance game for the x box kinect. It was sooooooo good mann. Haha it really made the end of the school year grand.

7.  EFY Provo with Paige

This is was so crazy and so fun.  It was great fun, and the boys were all cute, and there were tons of spiritual experiences and Paige and I got to know each other so well!  It was an adventure and a half the road trip though I tell you.

Best Counselors ever. Hilarious, amazing and I learned so much from them!


8.YW Camp

So we finally were successful at convincing our young women leaders to have a more campy camp. We wanted a real camp. Not cabins and luxury and all that jazz. So we got to hike in, pitch tents, swim in ice cold water and not shower for a few days. Carry in everything ourselves, and cook for ourselves too. It was so fun.

9. Jared Coming Home

After two years of anticipation. Letters, emails, packages, skyping and lots of excitement my brother returned home from his mission. Honestly I don't think anyone really understood how exciting it was to see him return with honor concluding his two years of service to God.  What a hero in my life, my big brother and an amazing example to me.

10. Camping at Koocanusa

My brother was home and we finally had a good enough excuse to head to paradise.  My favorite view and summer escape.  The water was perfect. The mountains were gorgeous. And it was so much fun to hit the road for a couple of days on the perfect journey to a worthwhile swim.  I feel homesick to Koocanusa. I love it, I miss it, I desire to be there pretty much all of the time.

11. Summer Paddle boarding with Anna, Mandy, Holly, Kyira

I made some new friends and I spent more time in Chestermere Lake than I have in a long time.  A friend had just moved into town and for a week her friend came and stayed with her and I had the opportunity to get to know her.  Another girl had been staying in town and I got to know her too.  Soon Kyira, Mandy and Anna were all my friends and we had a blast spending our time together although it was short we sure did a lot!

12. Calgary Open House

The Temple in Calgary was completed, celebrated and dedicated! So amazing and beautiful.  The opportunity I had to serve there is one that will stay with me my entire life.  It was easily one of the best experiences of my entire life serving in the house of God. I am so grateful and happy that there is a temple in Calgary, so close to home that is so beautiful and I got to be a part of the celebration.

13. Temple Youth Celebration

Participating in the Aboriginal Dance, the World War II dance and of course the Hockey Game.  Attending practices was really difficult around my schedule but I will never regret the time spent.  It was such a wonderful event.  It took time and was all worth it. It was fun and exciting yet could be reverent and special too.
If you didn't get to see it, here's the video. It took place at the Corral at the Stampede Grounds.

14. Charlotte from Munich

A surprisingly new and awesome friend.  An exchange student came to our school from Munich Germany, and it turned out that she was so awesome, funny and fun.  I got to hang out with her a couple of times and I miss her so much now! Although I previously really had no desire to go to Germany, after meeting her and hearing about how wonderful it is (and how good looking all the guys there are) I really want to go! She was so sweet and I hope that she is doing well. I had a lot of great memories with her. :)

"Ich liebe dich!"

Oh and I don't think I posted any of these pictures from before so here's a few.

15.. Winter Formal with Janie and Ally

Everyone had the grand scheme, of the dates and the dresses and the after grad drinking.  I had a blast getting my dress the week before with my besties Paige and Taylor.  Then I went to Winter Formal with Janie and Ally until we were ready to head back to Janie's for Christmas movies, apple cider, hot chocolate, candy, chips and then some sleep.  It was so fun and I actually got to know Janie and Ally so much better.  It made it a fun event although I didn't have a date.  I had fun and stayed up late with friends. It was a lot of fun.

16. Snowshoeing
 The first time I went snowshoeing was in the middle school field. It was cold and hard. But when Adam invited me to go with a group of people in Kananaskis, like legit snowshoeing. Mann I was so excited. I wasn't even disappointed with all my high expectations. It was amazing and beautiful and so fun! Oh and such a great work out. I'm already planning on going again! I really had the time of my life.

17. Jared & Sunshine's Wedding
My brother got married to a wonderful girl, a princess. A southern belle actually, but she's wonderful and I've never seen any two people so happy together.  They were just glowing. Neither of them were even nervous at all about getting married only excited.  It was a fun trip and a fantastic event to witness. It was amazing to say the least.

I love my brother so much, and I'm so glad that he found his other half.  Sunshine is so wonderful and I'm so glad that they were married in the beautiful temple for time and all eternity. 

18. Amanda's Baptism
Although I wasn't able to be there this was definitely one of the most impacting and amazing highlights of the year. My best friend got baptized.  Something that she's been looking forward to and dreaming of and preparing for for years now.  She is an amazing person and the joy she now has makes me so happy that she has partaken of it. The fact that that special day for her was perfect was fantastic to hear.  If you want to read about her experience here's the link to her blog post:

Woah. Late.

So this was supposed to be posted months and months ago. But I couldn't find the pictures. I found them today! yay! So this is a little late but now I present to you:

Backpacking All the Way!

We went backpacking for our Young Women's camp this year and it was fantastic. Here are the photos.

There were definitely lots of shenanigans going on in my tent. With: Kyira and Jenny.

So July 19-21 I went on my first backpacking trip with my wonderful yw group.  My tent group was so awesome! Of course that meant that there was little sleep to be had but it was fun anyways. My tent group consisted of Jenny, Kyira and I. My food group consisted of Cloe, Gracie, Jenny and I and MANN it was some fantastic food! haha okay well maybe not the best but we were camping and none of us were really too concerned anyways.  The camp was really nice and layed back. Most importantly it was a positive, fun, outdoors learning experience that I won't forget. Oh my that last line was so cheesy, but it was true. Love those darn girls! <3

We had a pretty crazy night of chin videos!

Bank Robbers in the making with drawn on facial hair

Me in the Great Outdoors