Friday, March 8, 2013


Boys, Boys, Boys.

Oh man. Graduation is coming up. Well thank goodness its about time, but it is still coming so fast.  Going hand in hand with Grad is the question of grad dates! And yes, I am going with someone, the problem is that that boy and I both don't know who yet.  I'm hoping that I'll be asked to someone's and then I won't feel so lame having to ask someone to mine in the end.  Oh and apparently my U of C boy won't be that date.  So here I am, thinking man I have really got to figure this whole situation out!

Well anyways, I'm hoping that I get asked to someone's grad, particularly so I have an excuse to buy a super cute dress online. Oh my goodness, my time spent browsing dresses online lately has definitely increased 200 fold. 

So here's my list of favorites! :) Most are from Modcloth and some are from the Shabby Apple. Check out their websites at: and
These websites are both wonderful for modest clothing and they give the length measurements and there are lots of really cute dresses and other apparel.

$52.99- Ocean of Elegance from Modcloth
$49.99- I think I can from Modcloth
$119.99- Romance Holiday from Modcloth
$159.99 ($78.99 on Sale)- Demure the Merrier from Modcloth
$74.99- Firework of Art from Modcloth
$52.99- Need I Crochet More? from Modcloth
$52.99- Accepting Congratulations from Modcloth
$49.99- Pick of the Licorice from Modcloth
$44.99- Abiding Beauty from Modcloth
$44.99- Record Time from Modcloth

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day in the Life- Mini Missionary!

So during my February break, I had the opportunity to go 3rd leg with Sister Hayes and Sister Sagers. They are wonderful missionaries in my ward. So first thing is that I was supposed to go with them on Saturday after stake choir practice and I was going to get up at 6:30 but definitely slept in since I worked on Friday night though, or I was hanging out with people can't quite remember ahaha. Anyways, so after a pretty successful choir practice we went and knocked on some doors of less active members together and made some phone calls regarding a baptism going on that day and stake conference the next day.  I even made a phone call myself to someone I knew but they never replied unfortunately and so it didn't go so well. But I tried.  Next we went to a family's house to do service.  We helped to take down Christmas decorations and just be there to help out and that was nice.  We also had some delicious homemade honey toast and some delish tea. After the service we went to an appointment to teach a lesson.  We watched the mormon message video of President Thomas S. Monson talking about standing alone.  It showed the military situation where everyone of many different sects are ordered to go worship but the mormon religion was not included in the list.  I even contributed to the lesson by reading Romans 1: 18 I am not ashamed of the gospel.  It was really cool being able to be there in a teaching experience.  After that I FINALLY got some lunch.  I was starving by that time! I had some leftover noodles in the fridge but I was actually so excited that I didn't even eat that much.  During the lunch break, I did some bible trivia and talked about families with Sister Hayes and Sister Sagers did sparkly origami.  Before we left though, I left a whole bunch of sticky notes for them to find later. I honestly just adore and admire sister missionaries so much! We then headed over for a baptism at 3:00 and I ended up playing the piano for it so I had another opportunity for service.  I headed home to go babysitting but it was pretty cool how much I got to do in one short day. Especially since that was a slow day for them!

Les Miserables

 So a few weeks ago, I went and saw the movie Les Miserables. It was freaking amazing. Life changing. The story was beautiful and powerful.  I was amazed at the singing and honestly didn't even think Russel Crowe was THAT bad at singing, especially since he is an actor not a proffessional singer.  Anyways I've pretty much been listening to Les Miserables soundtrack on repeat for weeks. I love and adore everything about it.  Oh and Eddie Redmayne is beautiful, and his voice is beautiful. oh my goodness. So much handomeness! haha. I was going to give a more wonderful review but honestly its just so hard to give this movie/musical justice in the romantic and inspirational ideas and story of this movie.  The heros and the example of mercy and the remarkable fight for justice.  "To love another person, is to see the face of God."