Sunday, July 14, 2013

Proverbs 15:33

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.


So I have two other blogs and a pinterest full of stuff, just so y'all know.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Best Big Brother & Sister in Law

So today was CanadaDay, July the first! woot woot! In celebration, Sunshine and Jared and I pulled an all nighter last night and continued the festivities today too! I came home from work yesterday and eventually took a power nap from 10 until 11:30 pm about in preparation for the night ahead. It was so much fun. Dance Parties, Nerf Gun Wars, Movies, Painting, and Dissent Games throughout the night and ending with a snooze at 6 am until 11:30.  After I woke up, we ended up all making chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream, maple syrup, raspberries, and strawberries, eggs, turkey bacon, hashbrowns all for breakfast. It was so delicious and so much food.  The day continued to be filled with super fun-ness as my brother and I went longboarding and biking, and then Sunshine joined us for jumping in the lake and boating and partying with friends of ours for more Canada Day festivities.  My brother and sister in law are just so much fun, and are always trying to include me in their plans, they are so sweet, and SO much fun!

Anyways, here are some pictures of today! :)

Back of my math Textbook.

"Those who persevered through college were not always the most gifted.  They had grit, resilience."
"The engine for success...was performance-based character."
"The minority who persevered through college...were the ones who could accept a bad grade and resolve to do better, who sought extra help, who did the work to master boring but necessary steps along the road."

"The path to discovery is full of mistakes and false leads. You can't do things if you are afraid of mistakes."

Life plan in my math text book 2.0 edition.

1) Hundy on Math Diploma

2) Ace Bio, Social and French
3) Work full time in Summer
4) Go to BYU one year
5) Go on mission year and half
6) Finish degree at BYU
7) Work at Seniors home
8) Business School
9) Become Rich
10) Build and open old folks home
11) Hire Cindy as accountant
12) Earn enough for my own yacht
13) Sell house
14) Retire and read and cruise until I die.