Friday, August 31, 2012

Down the Drain

Oh my goodness. I can't stand it when people just don't seem to know how to act in public. When you're invited over to someone's house you are a guest. And you DON'T have to stay.  If you want to go and pout in the corner than go pout in the corner somewhere else. The entire night I was thinking I am not ever inviting you again.  Like "Why are you here right now?" That's what I wanted to ask, just why? Because trust me you're not anything near as funny as you think you are, you were rude and just made me so angry.  I couldn't help but be frustrated thanks to you.  I'm just so disappointed that the entire get together seemed to go down the drain. There was no enthusiasm, no manners, no willingness to be involved, and definitely no social skills or decent conversation being contributed by you, that's for sure. Like oh my lanta. I guess this entire post has become a blurb of me venting.  I just wish that not everything was for nothing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pictures in a Field

I love these girls so much.  They are honestly some of the most wonderful people anyone could ever meet.  They are strong and true to what they believe in. They know who they are and are always kind.  They are loyal, extremely hilarious and my best friends.
<3 <3 <3

I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
~Audrey Hepburn

Strong Abs, Strong Testimony. <3
Love this girl. Makes me laugh. Comes to FHE every week with me <3
Lovely lady here. So funnay. <3

Where the Driveway Ends....

 Beautiful Chalk drawings by l'artist Dallin et l'artiste Destiny.


And our Story began

There was a sheep

There was a man
who put the sheep in a box

but this lady named Mary is in love with him

So he said talk to the hand

So he got struck by lightning

Which let the sheep escape and become this crazy superhero sheep

And it flew through the time space continuum

And it flew through.

Turns out the superhero sheep was me.

So I dropped the wool from the sheep

Listen Children, This is how clouds were Invented

Muscles were too mainstream so she lost those too.

And then there was this QTPI monkey with a banana
and was named Holly

Artist Dallin

Artist Me haha

Especially For Youth- Provo Edition!


EFY was so spiritual and amazing and extremely incredible to say the least!  It was like I had a family there and I was given the most incredible spiritual high. The counselors were incredible and inspiring people.  There were so many people I met that I will not be able to forget. It was the most wonderful adventure!

My Incredible Room Mate from Canada!
Oh and Heaven Knows where my leg went, so just ignore that small flaw...
Life Changing. Strong Abs and Strong Testimony. So key. ;)

Monday, August 27, 2012

I love to See the Temple

 I love to See the Temple

I love to see the temple.
I’m going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I’ll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple.
I’ll go inside someday.
I’ll cov’nant with my Father;
I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth:
A fam’iy is forever.

 My family had the opportunity to go together to the Cardston temple in July.  What a wonderful blessing and opportunity we have to go to the house of the Lord.  Here are some pictures that I took that day.

I love the beautiful flowers they had outside. <3

Cheese Toast

Kaye I don't even understand why something so unhealthy and fake can taste so good. haha Cheese Toast, introduced to me by Kyira, so I will blame her for the day I become obese. :)

Needless to say, we ate through an entire loaf of bread that morning.

Jared's Homecoming!

July 24th. My brother returned from his two year mission to Riverside California for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I'm so proud of him. And so happy he's home.

And of course the pair of shoes he wore out to be hung on our door. :)

So.... about that...

Wow, well I definitely learned something about the picture/photography challenge. It is not as easy as one would think AT ALL.  I kind of failed at that, but oh well.  I thought that it might help remind me to blog every day but that too quickly went out the window.  I think I got 6/30... That's about 20%? ah well I tried.

Something about Summer Air

There's something's that you just have to stop and feel. Like on a warm evening in the summer.  The smell and fresh air. The sun warming your skin and bringing that smile to your face. I love it.  Its something that seems like we take for granted for the two months free of school and worry, but man is it wonderful to enjoy. Probably one of the best parts of summer. So why not? Stop and feel the summer air.
<3 <3 <3

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lake <3 Lake <3 Lake <3

For like the last few days I've been doing so much running and swimming and paddle boarding and I honestly just love it so much.  All this exercise is making me happy and in good shape and I get to spend so much time out in the beautiful weather we've been having.  I love the opportunity summer gives for me to spend an ENTIRE day just doing athletic activities and realizing how much I have to be grateful for.  All of God's creations are so beautiful and wonderful and there so that we can be happy on Earth.  He has given us so much, and I am EXTREMELY grateful. :)