Friday, February 28, 2014

Ten Things that Make me Happy

Auburn and I! Can you believe this February weather?!

"Happiness is a state of mind.  It's just according to the way you look at things." - Walt Disney

My Top Ten things that make me happy!

  1. Phone calls that make your heart hurt from missing someone because it reminds you how you truly care for someone, and appreciate their influence in your life so dearly
  2. Kisses on smiles
  3. Sunday afternoons with a good book, sunlight through the window and a top knot on your head
  4. Spontaneous rap battles with friends
  5. When something seems so funny at that moment regardless of how funny it is and you can't stop laughing
  6. A good long run on a moonlit night- or even during the day in the fresh air. But long enough that you are sweaty and tired and feel accomplished at the end!
  7. Handwritten letters
  8. Good movies! (Of all genres)
  9. When someone remembers something about me that was such a carelessly thrown out detail that it surprises me it was significant to someone's remembrance
  10. When people say my name :)
"Some people are so poor, all they have is money." - Patrick Meagher

I guess I haven't blogged in forever. But when I do I feel like I always mention Auburn haha. She is just so awesome! I didn't expect at all that I would become such good friends with my roommate. I guess I was lucky. She just always has my back and sticks up for me and it's amazing how someone can support you so much and help you through the ups and downs like income smoothing (...? haha) and make it for the most part all UPS! haha

But really. Life is too short to not be really happy! So smile!

See you later Alligator!

So this is the end of this lovely lady being my neighbour for a while, but it's a bittersweet ending, because she is going on the adventure of a lifetime.   I'm so excited and proud of her. She is heading out to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I have absolutely no doubt that she will do a whole lot of good, and will bless the lives of everyone she meets. I know that although I don't want to give up my friend and share her with the rest of the world, they need her too! ...I guess. :p

Anywho, I believe that everyone needs a friend like this, so I sure hope you do! Here's a few reasons why she's so great!
  • You can tell her anything and she won't judge you
  • She can make any awful situation look brighter and more temporary rather than permanant
  • She has the ability to make anyone laugh
  • She gets the good jokes, the kind that don't usually come out until after 11 pm
  • She knows how to have fun
  • She's responsible and kind 
  • Goofy enough, but serious when it counts
  • Has a strong testimony of what she believes and knows to be true
  • Is always happy and excited to do new things
Anyways, I'm sure there's more but there are 9 excellent reasons right there if I do say so myself!

Wishing her all the best! And safe travels!